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Turkish Moments Always Happening The void of insanity: Scared of Change Turkish Moments Always Happening

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Scared of Change

I dont like it when things change. It kinda scares me. I hate the feeling of something new occuring if I feel my life is content as it is. But things do change, sometimes good, mostly bad.Sometimes it can be inbetween. I love taking pictures of the sky Im going to post some soon or something like that. I am reading a book as of the moment so I should really be going... I will update later on how I feel about this book. Forgot the title.... heh.. I will post that later as well. Its about a girl who is involved with a murder or something.
-Cloud man

[ Feeling oh so alone in this massive universe I call home.]

Ps: My dog is a wimp golden retriever. Why lord of the Underworld, why?
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