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Turkish Moments Always Happening The void of insanity: A Northern Light Turkish Moments Always Happening

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Northern Light

By Jennifer Donnelly

Its very good so far.Im on page 48 and I find it quiet interesting. I have Time warner cable now because its cheaper than regular. It shocked me. But hell it was a good shock!I wrote another story yesterday; another short one. Four pages. Its not that interesting than the first four page story I wrote but I am trying. I noticed (with the help of my awsome beta reader) that I switch the past tense and present tense, and it usually starts to happen after I write the story and it starts to go deep.I start getting all mixed on what I should do.Sometimes I dont even notice. But now I know my problem and now I can start to fix it. Yey me, because now my readers wont hate my writing for bad grammer. Unless..... Im still doing something wrong. Dun Dun Dun.

-Cloud man
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