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Turkish Moments Always Happening The void of insanity: Down in a hole Turkish Moments Always Happening

Friday, October 20, 2006

Down in a hole

This is what I call amazing graphics dont you think so? Its a game called final fantasy versus 13 or something like that. He is a hottie.... seems mixed between vincent /cloud kinda.... Its a badass character that I can't wait to learn more about as soon as I get my hands on the game. Squee. So, my brithday is coming up. Its been a 16 years of a whole bunch of stuff; I'm proud I made it this far. Whoopie for me. I know I haven't updated this awsomeness journal but thats because of school and my cat died. So I was lazy and working my ass off for a month and a half. But now I back on track sorta kinda. I need to study more, get a job, and get the things I have wanted for so long. Im a greedy son of a bitch right at this moment. I usually dont want or need stuff, but I have finally found the things that would make my life complete... no its not the love of my life being sold on ebay for 2 dollars. Its the awsome PS3 thats coming out, THEE canon camera that takes the picture in less than 00003. seconds after pressing the button. The Wacom Tablet and the awsome photoshops that can be added on. That in itself is more than I can pay for. I only have 10 dollars on me right now. Not even enough to buy groceries. Hahaha. Currently Im drinking Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng. Very delicious, I would advise you to at least try it if you never had. I want to buy some of these drawings on deviant art . com. Very skilled artists and photographers on there. You should check that out if you haven't already. Awsome movies have been coming out as of late. Like Fly boys, The departed, Grudge 2, Holloween Town... all sound so yummy. Though The Grudge was not a good movie...but I am curious about what the 2nd one involves. Like they say- curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back. Im willing to watch it ... but only when it comes on Tevo(TV). Haha... Movies these days cost so much I don't have. Oh, I want to see Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift. I want to go to Tokyo, it seems like it would be a fun place to party... maybe once I get a well paying job, settle down, satisfied with life-I will go and see the Japanese culture.

-Cloud Man

[All these things revolve around me, just back off before I snap]
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