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Turkish Moments Always Happening The void of insanity: March 2009 Turkish Moments Always Happening

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nobody said it was Easy

Yeah, Spongebob and Elmo, dealing in NewYork. I knew they were badass.
So, it's 2009, and it is my second semester of college. Since I'm still living at home because thats the way everything panned out.... I want to travel more than ever. I want to go to places, like California, Arizona,Tokyo,Hong Kong, I want to see Korea and go to Germany, so many places so little time. By the time I reach my 70's I'm guessing I wont have the power to walk...simply thinking that because I'm a pessimistic person. So that gives me around... 52 years to hurry and go do something? 52 years is not long enough for all I want to do. And everyday, I'm on this damn computer doing nothing. Sometimes. I hate computers.
[But I'd rather do you on the backseat of my Car]
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