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Turkish Moments Always Happening The void of insanity: August 2006 Turkish Moments Always Happening

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Whistle in the Wind

Well some interesting things happened in the past days. A tree fell-it is a realy big tree. No one got hurt. It feel in an open area.Made one heck of a noise.Im practicing my drawing and I made this cute character X3 I have been taking pictures too.
The weather has been awsome; all rainy and a whole bunch of storms. Its so beautiful. I love the rain, I should move to Ireland.
-Cloud man
[ Life is but a dream drifting on a stream]
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Get lost then get Found

Ayumi rocks my socks.She has an amazing voice. Random..yes. I have been taking alot of sky pictures but since my time on the computer is going to be limited once school starts:Im trying to cram all of my computer fun time in a wee little time. School is coming fast and furious. It is coming with the strength of a great white shark going after a baby seal. And this shark is hungary man... you can see it in his eyes. ^_^ I hope you dont get lost in my metaphors. I hope you notice how I dont add drama in this journal:though Im pretty sure Im the only one who reads this. I like to look at my posts and think, wow, I actually like this part of myself. I like to write about good stuff; I have another journal that everyone knows about;where I bitch and complain how annoying they are or how my life is kinda lame. I get no remarks on those posts either ^^;; But I like this journal. This journal reminds me of my good times. I have been spending 0 time on my other journal because this one is better. I havent been hanging out with my friends or on aim because their drama has drivin me to insanity. I cannot stand going on aim anymore; I used to like it.... It will be the best day in my life to leave high school and leave this drama hectic life behind. They dont understand me. They know nothing about me. I feel like I put on this "everyone die" mask everytime I see them, because thats the way they are and I feel I have to be that way to and its wrong. Of course I didnt just figure this out. I talk to myself constantly my mind reels with thoughts, I talk to myself in third person, talking to my mask and talking to my passionate side.My friends dont know the bands I like, they dont know my favorite color, they think I like knives, they hardly ever see me, they dont know my emotions they think I trust them and so on and so forth, I am rambling I have started typing and now I feel like I cant stop. And because of that I am making grammer mistakes,spelling errors, which will drive me insane when I read this again after I post it. But I wont fix it cause Im lazy and cause I feel I have better things to do. I dont want to go to school, cause sometimes when I feel I get attached to people its hard to let go, and I just got used to letting go and I dont want to face them, nor do I want them to hate me. I do want some sort of friendship. But I dont want a big one, I want someone to help me through the whole school year. And the only one I can think of at the moment is my other self who is asking me right now "why are you typing this stuff?" Im typing this stuff cause no one will read it. But I promise, after this post, Im only posting awsome posts. Just like my previous posts.

-Cloud man

[I could write a book the one that satan shook]

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Friday, August 11, 2006


School is around the corner and I'm about to freak out because of it. I don't want to go to school, I'm not ready or excited like I usually am. And it sucks big time. I am thinking about getting a (Lost track of what I was saying due to my cat meowing begging for food) Which reminds me if he poops on the carpet one more time he is going to be put down. Im still learning about html I will probably start working on that again, I haven't had time because I have been figuring out photoshop downloadable brushes Hoozah for mwuah! If anyone is interested in seeing my Wallpapers which consist of shadow hearts 2 and FinalFantasyX then just tell me and I will send them to you. I would prefer if you contacted me on my post or on my aim. ^_^. I took this picture a couple nights ago; you know you love that beautiful trashcan behind it. I regret taking the picture of it from that angle but I was more focused on the drop; that was my 4th try mind you.

-Cloud man

[No change.I can't change]
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Everybody out of the water

I wonder what it is like to drown. First you feel the burn in your lungs, and your eyes go blind from the pressure and desperate need for air. Your skin gets all pruny but in the situation of panick you hardly notice. And then your lungs fill up with water and you drown wondering why or saying your prayers.

-Cloud man.

[May all your dreams come true]

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Moving Along

Its kind of sad how love works.I will write how it works in steps.

  • First: It blinds you.
  • Second: You're on cloud nine.
  • Third: You don't listen .
  • Fourth(Is the most critical and most likely the life changing step where it makes the rest of your life in regret or happiness) : You make love.

Love is such a bad word in my vocabe.But there is different types of love.

Family love. And Relationship M/F love.

It hurts you, puts you in odd situations, it makes you feel warm, it can tear you apart bit by bit until nothing is left but a broken heart. Im looking at mostly the negative things about relationship love. Because very few people look at love as a negative thing. Thats why I was born people; To take account of the positive looking things and find the negatives in it.

I am now going to go practice my Karate, learning new moves is fun. Practicing them is fun. Getting hit with a punching bag is not fun.

I came. I saw. I kicked that bitche's ass.

-Cloud man

[Oi your gonna carry that weight a long time]
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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Right on!

Today was okay. I finally found out how to get the background on my blogger but its not the way I want it. I still need research. Im going to start making plushies and sell them on ebay.When I make my first couple I will post the pictures.Today, karate was okay. Its not as fun as it used to be. I kind of miss the girls I was working with, working with just sensei is kind of...hmmm... how should I say this.... oh yeah, its lame. I painted my nails, haha, they're so dorky.

-Cloud man

[All of my memories keep you here]
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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Read, Type, Live

I have been writing all day yesterday. It was fun, today I have been working on learning HTML and making backgrounds. I have been listening to music. So far today hasnt been bad. I have thought about it, and if I had to kill someone in order to protect one I love, I would. But how can people be so sure of their actions before their situation even occurs? That is just. . gobbledygook.

I love it when dark clouds move into a serene area in the sky. Its like Hope. Hope is a sin. It always seems to bring your spirit down when things finally look up. Hope is a human emotion. Its always there wether you want it to be or not. You want it but your afraid you wont get it. The sky says so much and yet there is no words. I love this picture, I am so glad I took it.

-Cloud man

[ If you want to start a fight with me. I'll finish it.]

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Speeches and Cream

I just saw the trailer for 9/11 it's sad.I dont think Im going to see it. I watched the end of 'Titanic' its a good movie, really touches me. I mean all the pain and fear they went through! My mom is having her moments with my brother is giving my brother a speech, my brother is so niave right now. I cant stand it. I want to smack him. I want to smack my mom and then run in the other direction as fast as I can. As Im typing this Im staring at a gold Zoloft pen to get my attention off everything.

There is my second pic. Yey. I dont know why they are coming out blurry but its still pretty.

-Cloud man

[So tilt that felt hat to the side]

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Thursday, August 03, 2006


This is about the third time in three days I have recieved a headache. Only this time; today my sister was being a pain in my ass. I was babysitting her, and since she is a spoiled little girl, she decides that she's not going to listen to me. She shows me no respect whatsoever. She hates me. She has declared this. *sigh* Oh well. The book I am reading is extraordinary! Its now one of my favorites. The poor girl in the book I am reading is poor; she is smart but has no money to go to school in New York. And she has no mother, her brother left and the father doesn’t like her going to school.

Yes it is an old pic, I took it in the car.

I will post a pic of my sky again tommorow.

Lol notice how I said 'my' sky? I meant 'our' sky.

-Cloud man

[Love shack baby Love shack! Is a little old place where we can get together!]

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Northern Light

By Jennifer Donnelly

Its very good so far.Im on page 48 and I find it quiet interesting. I have Time warner cable now because its cheaper than regular. It shocked me. But hell it was a good shock!I wrote another story yesterday; another short one. Four pages. Its not that interesting than the first four page story I wrote but I am trying. I noticed (with the help of my awsome beta reader) that I switch the past tense and present tense, and it usually starts to happen after I write the story and it starts to go deep.I start getting all mixed on what I should do.Sometimes I dont even notice. But now I know my problem and now I can start to fix it. Yey me, because now my readers wont hate my writing for bad grammer. Unless..... Im still doing something wrong. Dun Dun Dun.

-Cloud man
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Scared of Change

I dont like it when things change. It kinda scares me. I hate the feeling of something new occuring if I feel my life is content as it is. But things do change, sometimes good, mostly bad.Sometimes it can be inbetween. I love taking pictures of the sky Im going to post some soon or something like that. I am reading a book as of the moment so I should really be going... I will update later on how I feel about this book. Forgot the title.... heh.. I will post that later as well. Its about a girl who is involved with a murder or something.
-Cloud man

[ Feeling oh so alone in this massive universe I call home.]

Ps: My dog is a wimp golden retriever. Why lord of the Underworld, why?
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