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Turkish Moments Always Happening The void of insanity: March 2011 Turkish Moments Always Happening

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I feel so bad for Japan, I can't even believe what I am seeing on the television (I do but it is so hard too) My heart cries for the Japanese people and everyones friends and family who are there and living through this. So many people are injured, missing and dead. ささやかですが I'm going to go to my Red Cross and donate blood and some money its not much but I don't know what else to do. I'm not religious but I am going to pray to something, anything that may help Japan.いろいろ大変かと思いますがどうか頑張って下さい。

I really hope things get better as soon as possible, I know thats naive and innocent to say but I really do hope so. I mean, an earthquake followed by a tsunami followed by a nuclear meltdown! People must be so scared, but I wish that they know that everyone is trying to help and Obama said he waill try to be there. I was so happy, I really like Obama because he's right we should be there helping!



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